Tillamook County, OR | 2019
Following their work on the Tillamook County HNA, Cascadia Partrners and FCS Group provided Buildable Lands Inventory services to three coastal communities - Tillamook, Manzanita, and Bay City. The project emerged from a need to understand how regional housing need for Tillamook County was intertwined with those of the County’s UGB communities.
Using a county-wide dataset, Cascadia Partners was able to produce high quality Buildable Lands Inventories for the three communities efficiently and at relatively low cost. In addition, Cascadia Partners’ custom-built BLI review tools were instrumental in allowing local jurisdictions to provide detailed feedback on draft BLI deliverables.
Client: Cities of Tillamook, Bay City, and Manzanita
Services Provided:
Zoning + Policy Analysis
Project Type:
Housing Needs Analysis + Zoning
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