Cascadia Partners is a full-service urban planning and design, real estate, environmental sustainability, and public engagement consulting firm based in Portland, OR.  Our team is ready to guide projects from concept to reality. Our services range from strategic planning and conceptual design through development. We provide the design, financial and engagement skills to ensure success. Our strength is being able to provide both sophisticated analysis and a compelling, visual story that brings concepts to life. 

Our team has an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for what they do. Our staff includes planners, economists, real estate developers, urban designers, climate adaptation and mitigation analysts, and public engagement specialists who are ready to help tackle any challenge facing your site, city or region.



How does your community plan for uncertainty and complexity?

Scenario planning is an approach to planning that puts uncertainties at the heart of the planning process, prompting the community to examine key variables like climate change, uncertain growth trends, and evolving housing preferences. Cascadia Partners is working with the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County Arizona to incorporate scenario planning in their Regional Plan for 2045.

Over the course of 2023, we engaged the Flagstaff community in both exploratory and normative scenario planning, using games, surveys, open houses, and community conversations to gather information to create a set of potential scenarios for future growth in the region. We recently kicked off our next round of engagement, where the public will choose a preferred growth scenario.