Beaverton OR | 2020
After years of planning on pieces of the downtown puzzle, the city of Beaverton set out to synthesize a single cohesive Downtown Plan. Bolstered by a clear community vision and extensive public engagement, a comprehensive Urban Design Framework was crafted to guide the development of a vibrant and connected Downtown.
A key component of this Framework is the Loop, a recognizable pedestrian and bike-focused streetscape improvement that will connect Downtown’s activity areas like pearls on a string. The plan also included updates to the Development Code to enable implementation and a strategy to catalyze coordinated “next steps”.
Since the plan was adopted, a steady stream of developments has been constructed (with more in the works) signaling a remarkable Downtown renaissance.
This project was completed by Martin Glastra van Loon prior to joining Cascadia Partners.
Client: City of Beaverton, OR
Services Provided:
Urban Design